Thursday, November 25, 2010

it's thanksgiving for Christ's sake...

I have to give myself major points for today's blog title... what else is there to say?

During this holiday I find myself comparing me today to myself in my 20s. Because of Jesus' blood I have been given so very much. Today I am thankful for people that have been placed in my life and I am thankful to be able to recognize what is truly important... nothing on this list can be bought on Black Friday!

I have been blessed with a husband that is strong enough in himself to allow me to be me yet also strong enough to tell me to shut-up when necessary (not often... lol). I have been blessed with two wonderful children who are vastly different from each other and truly unique (and funny). I'm grateful for my parents who are nuts but love me unconditionally (as I do them)! I'm also blessed to actually love my in-laws. I also have some great friends that have guided me through my journey with Christ who are not afraid to call my bluff when I'm acting tough!

Speaking of Black Friday... I have laid out my clothes and will be planning our attack after our fine meal today with my sister-in-law. What is different this year is that I don't have a wish list for myself... WHAT! I can say that due to my faith I realize that it's the time spent with my sister-in-law, celebrating a tradition, that is what I'm most excited about.

So to bring the blog back to the point...

"I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation." Psalm 118.21

I hope that everyone is thankful for the true gifts in life! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

time well spent...

I read a devotion book for women on the go. I would be considered one of those women on the go... too much going actually.

I'm so much on the go that I read ahead; never do I read the actual devotion for the actual day!

The devotion that I should have read on September 29 is based on Psalm 26:4-5: "I do not spend time with liars or go along with hypocrites. I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked."

While I believe that I had made several good decisions lately regarding my spiritual growth I do continue to store resentment. Not anymore! I will not surround myself with people that I cannot change!

I am listening to God speak to me and he wants me to laugh! I cannot continue to place myself in situations that allow my anger to grow like bacteria. I'm putting my foot down and am eagerly anticipating my abs hurting from laughter!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

are you a true leader...

As I have been digging in the bible I came across a chapter that really stood out to me: 1 Timothy 3.1-3.13

This chapter discusses the traits that are needed for a church leader: well thought of, committed to his wife (or her husband), cool and collected, accessible and hospitable. The leader must know what they are talking about, not pushy but gentle, not thick-skinned, not money-hungry. He must handle his own affairs well, attentive to his own children and have their respect. It continues.

I realize that this should apply to all Christians whether they lead a church or simply lead their home.

I manage a medical practice and I attempt to lead much the way that is stated in 1 Timothy, chapter 3. This also means that I have to be honest with myself and identify my weaknesses. In my personal case, I am not always cool and collected (shocking, I know because I am so doggone cool; I'm especially cool because I used the word doggone) but I wake up every morning knowing that I have a fresh start due to Jesus' blood.

Even as leaders, we need leaders in our lives as well. A leader in my life is a friend from church who knows her "stuff" and she lives her life for Christ. She accepts me for my faults and failures (something that I don't always forgive myself for) and is genuinely interested in my journey.

So I ask you, are you a good leader and can you be honest with yourself about your faults? Remember that there is always someone near you that is influenced by you!

Friday, August 20, 2010

So it was suggested that today's topic should be Perseverance.

At first I wasn't sure if this topic would apply towards my daily life... but wait... YES!

There are two definitions of perseverance:
1. (Noun) steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. (Theology) continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

My opinion... those are NOT two separate definitions... they are singular!

A few of you are aware that my family has been very diligent in attempting to pay off the debt that was accumulated in our 20's. I no longer want to be a slave to a lender. We were doing well until bad news hit the family last week; my husband lost his job. He has since found another job in the same field (blessing) but we will not be able to pay off our debt as quickly as we planned. Funny thing is, that in my past I bought everything because I wanted instant gratification (in place of Christ) and now I want my debt paid off immediately... DUH, all things come in time by PERSEVERING!

There are many, many bible verses that discuss perseverance but I chose the following two:

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Romans 2:7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

This does not mean that every day I wake up optimistic... there are days that inside I have a pity party with only one guest BUT I have FAITH that the difficult times in our lives are for a better, higher purpose!

So, until tomorrow :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here is your mission… if you choose to take it

I have been feeling inspired by the few blogs that I follow... so I have issued myself a challenge! For the next seven days... SEVEN... I will create a blog that will apply that current day's event(s) to a bible verse.

So, I will explain the challenge part... I like to start things and I'm really EXCITED when these things are started but have a tendency to stop once started (much like this blog).

So today's topic is Procrastination. Wikipedia states the definition for Procrastination as the counterproductive deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Procrastination can be a mechanism for coping which can include anxiety when faced with starting or completing any task or decision. Much like my blog.

The bible doesn't specifically use the word procrastination however there are MANY verses regarding laziness:

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" Colossians 3:23

So, to apply it to my blog... what I have so thoroughly enjoyed by doing my blog is digging deeper into the bible and sharing it with everyone while doing so. I love to receive positive feedback after posting! I've also realized how many people I know that are involved in their faith and their church (this was not the impression I had while growing up and not involved)! So, I am working for the Lord and maybe someone reading this will have questions and begin their journey with Christ!

So, day one done... now to determine tomorrow's topic... maybe I'll just put that off until the morning (just joking)! Suggestions welcome!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

today i've given up control...

Proverbs 16:1
The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.

Ok, so I am a total control freak. DUH! Me, give up control, NO WAY! But guess what, I've been broken and I'm actually adjusting to the idea.

I've had some grand plans but realize that I entered the word "I've" in the sentence. In the past two days I've learned that I don't have any control over my plans, I need to follow what the Lord has planned for me.

During my "plan disruption" I feel that I've changed (yes, in two days), I'm trying to be even more patient and give support instead of orders. Have I been really good at that? Maybe not in your view, but in mine YES! I'm trying to accept the plan that has been written for me and also allowing my husband to do what is written for him, which means that I need to sometimes BACK OFF!

I am super thankful for all of my friends that were/are willing to sacrifice to help my family. I have such a hard time taking from others but I'm trying not let pride get in my way. So... this is another way to say thanks... because if I did it in person I would cry and I am such an UGLY crier!

Good night and GOD bless!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

my "ah-ha" moment...

Today I heard a LOUD message...

A few of you know that I've been struggling with how I've been meant to serve.

I don't necessarily like everyone's children... but did enjoy my time in the children's area. Unfortunately I am not able to commit to projects during the work week and thus guilt. I don't have a lot of friends visit the church and AGAIN guilt.

I've never questioned why it took over 30 years for me to find the Lord; I know it's the plan that was determined for me. I can even find the message intended for me in terms of the debt that I've incurred... I'm stubborn... if I'm going to learn anything the lesson needs to be SCREAMED at me.

Today I had the opportunity assist with a group of visitors that are interested in taking steps (some of them, their first steps) in their relationship with Christ. For the first time I had an opportunity to tell others my personal journey. While I may not have many personal friends come to the Anchor, I have exhibited the characteristics of a Christian and therefore shared with so many and didn't even realize it!

After this experience I realized that the reason that I've been so easily (most days) to follow my new financial plan to get out of debt is because I have a new purpose in life. Once out of debt, I will have the freedom to devote additional time and my talents (yes, my talent is talking, drawing people out, making fun of myself and just making people comfortable).

"Ah ha"... I believe that God is using me to help develop relationships with people to help them with their walk!

My family should be debt free in 31 months due to hard work and faith that the Lord will provide. I will be using these 31 months to become more educated about the bible and pray that I'll be used to lead. After my debt is paid off I will be able to dedicate MUCH more time to my community and make those in the beginning of their journey feel comfortable in their next steps.

AH-HA and most importantly AMEN!

Monday, June 7, 2010

life's inspirations...

So I whined yesterday... and did it make me feel better? It ABSOLUTELY did!!

I've found out that I'm not alone in my feelings and my journey (which is always nice to know) and maybe, just maybe I can help someone in their spiritual journey.

And you know what, I am doing a good "job"... my children can find bible verses without tabs (I, sadly, cannot yet quickly), have started tithing without me pushing, understand that God is first and are genuinely kind to others.

I've learned that I no longer want to be materialistic... no one really cares if I wore the same outfit the week before... none of these items are mine. And the things that I've been blessed with I will take extreme care.

My church is starting Servolution next week which is what we call several months of just doing nice gestures for others... strangers! How lovely would it be when everyone is just kind to each other? Our jails would be empty!!

Yesterday, my parents were blessed with a gift (they are going through tough times financially but NOT spiritually) and my heart literally SWELLED!

God is good!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

life's disappointments...

So, it's been MONTHS since I've blogged. I was so gung-ho and excited to start one but, much like many other things that I've started, once I did it I didn't keep it up. I would really LOVE to use this as an outlet... so here goes nothing...

I did promise that I would not use my blog to complain and WHINE but I am and hopefully only today. I am hoping that this will be some form of release for me.

As a few of you may know, I found religion less than two years ago and my life has completely changed. I now have a different purpose in life... it's not to have the most money, the biggest house and the most well behaved children... it's just simply to be a GOOD human being and hopefully raise two great human beings. That being said, I've had my ups and downs and recently found myself disappointed in some people that I've made "important" in my life.

Logically I know that people are not perfect and are allowed to make mistakes. I just have difficulty letting go of the hurt, and let's be honest, the anger that comes with it. I call it a Trimble trait; we definitely know how to hold a grudge!

I need to remember how far I have come in my journey and realize how much further that I have to go. I strive to be perfect but will stumble many, MANY times in my journey as do those "important" people in my life, as we are only human.

I hope all those that actively participate in my life realize how much I truly LOVE and value them... without you my journey would be even more difficult. For those that may be in the "disappointed" category I LOVE and value you as well... you are making me stronger!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i'm a proud momma...

I'm such a proud mom...

Gillie has given up her desk money that she has been saving up to Find a Cure for Cancer! She has invited her grandmother to walk with her at school because she's a survivor and a fighter!!

Today I had my yearly mammogram... one that I have to have because of my mom's diagnosis of breast cancer at the young age of 52... 52! I am constantly reminded of how strong, not only she is, but how we are as a family. No matter what our differences, my family comes together to fight. We all have our roles (I'm the mean one :)) but we balance each other out.

I hope that Gillie does not have to endure what my mother has but I know that our family can overcome all obstacles through our faith and our love!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

i am not your typical girlie-girl

So today I was "invited" to a photo shoot. No pressure... Anyone who knows me knows that while I think I am super cute :) I can NOT take a posed picture to save my life! I am not your typical girlie-girl.

The physicians that I work for wanted to involve me because I'm a very important part of the practice... how could I say no?! What's funny is when the photographer had to retake my pictures because my trendy haircut made me look like a rooster?! His words.

My daughter on the other hand has NO problem posing and can oftentimes be found taking pictures of herself... using my very expensive camera. As you can tell by the pic, I couldn't care less about the camera... I have yet another photo of my beautiful little girl turning into a beautiful young lady!

Friday, February 26, 2010

love is in the air

Love is in the air and it isn't even Valentine's Day.

As bad as yesterday was, today was FANTASTIC!

My staff gave me flowers... what was the reason... that they love me! They love me even though I'm the "bad guy" often times. I threw in the pic of Cameron with the dog snuggling just because it's cute and it goes with the LOVE theme :)

My brother even loves me... I've enjoyed getting to know him as an adult and learning religion through him!

I hope everyone has been shown love today and everyday!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

bucket list

I'm thirty-two... that's 3-2. I'm almost middle-aged with two kids that are so independent that I have to BEG for their attention. Don't get me wrong... I'm very proud of how I've raised my children. They're smart, funny and self sufficient but I have moments when I wish, really, really wish to have another baby.

Or... go back to college, not that I would know what degree I would desire. Or become a race car driver or a bounty hunter. Better yet... skate in the roller derby!

Since I have now started this blog, my to-do list is one item less. What should I replace it with? I desire to do something daring and wild yet have no idea what I would do and welcome suggestions!

today is my monday!

So today was horrible... really just horrible. One of those days where every single, little, itty, bitty thing is compained about. And I'm not talking about my kids, I'm talking about grown adults. Suck it up people and deal with it!

But I digress... my wonderful husband put down the deposit for our vacation rental house today! This vacation may be months away but I've got something to look forward to.

Nothing to do all day except relax... waking up to coffee and roller skating as exercise... several bottles of wine to buy from my favorite winery.

What was it that I was compaining about?!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

GET EXCITED... my first entry!

So I can be a Procrastinator... yes I spelled that with a capital P. This year I've decided that I'm going to take action and NOT continue to put things on my neverending to-do list. For those of you who know me well also know that I'm a perfectionist so I try NOT to put myself "out there". Starting this blog is a HUGE step for me!

I don't think that I lead an extremely interesting life, I actually prefer to be drama free. I hope to use this blog to just record some fun times that my family has and maybe, JUST MAYBE, vent a little bit :)

Just so you know, I've checked my spelling multiple times because I will want to crawl under a rock if I make a typo!

I'm so excited I can check an item off my list!