Is it possible that I plan too much? No, it can't be true... I am the SUPER organizer... is there a point to it? Stay tuned; I will make a point.
I have been blessed to be a part of two... yes, two... bible studies. Currently my women's group are reading Jonah. You know, the guy who got swallowed by a big fish? The premise of the study is that God "interrupts" our lives for us to learn valuable lessons... these are interventions that are out of our control... possibly considered a test of obedience.
These past several weeks I've been concerned... what has been my intervention? Am I worthy of an intervention? Is it weird that I WANT one?
Ok, so I'm currently cleaning our financial mess... impatiently creating spreadsheet upon spreadsheet to organize our finances, hoping and wishing for a way to clean it up faster and faster. Tonight it occurred to me on the drive home... all of this planning is pointless. I'm working on God's time table. Is it possible that I've spent all my time planning for my future that I'm not living in the present?
My prayer tonight is just to enjoy tonight. While I believe that being organized is necessary in life (family of four, remember) maybe I shouldn't schedule every moment of every day. Those of you reading this, and you know who you are, please hold me accountable when I get out of control by being in control. I want to be available for my divine intervention!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
it's been months...

Ok... so it's been months since I have blogged. To my 9 followers please forgive me and GET EXCITED... I am back!
Today I logged in to become a follower of another blog and decided to look at my past posts. I sat on the couch for nearly an hour (me sitting down?!) reminiscing and I have to be frank... I enjoyed my own blog!
Blogging is so cathartic... it is an opportunity to share my life with others and as is evident today, laugh at one's self! I do have to admit that I am a little disappointed with myself, stopping mid-challenge, however those days marked a moment in time where my sense of security was taken.
A few months ago someone attempted to break into my home. He (they) successfully cut my telephone wires, jumped our six foot privacy face and kicked in our back door. While they did not get in... I'm assuming due to the sound of the alarm... I was frightened! The home that I have lived in for 11 years was no longer the safe haven it's always been. All of a sudden I was becoming the scared, timid woman I was determine to never be.
I thank God everyday that no one was home and have since regained my feeling of security.
If asked, any day, I would hand all material possessions if given a choice between my memories. I've included a picture of Shawn on Father's Day holding his "homemade" gift... a shadow box containing his speed skating uniform and his childhood picture. It is the moments in life that are important and NO ONE can take those from you.
By the way... my photos are loaded on a portable external hard drive and kept in a fire-proof safe next to my gun :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
day 14...
A hero that has let me down (letter format)... AGAIN difficult.
I may just have to say, while I am no hero, I'm letting myself down because this is just getting difficult and I want to give up!
I may just have to say, while I am no hero, I'm letting myself down because this is just getting difficult and I want to give up!
day 13...
A band or artist that has gotten me through some tough days (letter format)...
Dear person who created this blog list,
While I have made every attempt to create an interesting, funny and hopefully spiritual blog on each topic given daily, I will take a pass at today's. I do happen to love music but I don't typically turn to music to soothe a tough day (however Miranda Lambert does put me in a kick-butt girl kinda mood).
Thanks for continuing to allow me to participate,
Dear person who created this blog list,
While I have made every attempt to create an interesting, funny and hopefully spiritual blog on each topic given daily, I will take a pass at today's. I do happen to love music but I don't typically turn to music to soothe a tough day (however Miranda Lambert does put me in a kick-butt girl kinda mood).
Thanks for continuing to allow me to participate,
day 11
Something people seem to compliment me the most about... in my past I would have answered this question by supplying a physical trait but to be honest the best compliment I've received lately is regarding my spiritual life. It's so very important to me that my life reflects my faith and... GET EXCITED... it has!
day 10...
Someone I need to let go of or wish I didn't know... in my personal life I can't think of anyone specially BUT I attempt to stay away from anyone negative; it is so hard to not get sucked into it.
Life will always have ups and downs but I find there is always a lesson to be learned to make me grow in life.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
Life will always have ups and downs but I find there is always a lesson to be learned to make me grow in life.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
day 9...
Someone I didn't want to let go, but just drifted... MYSELF!
I'm a working Mom so it's not easy to find time to cater to my needs much less my individual interests. Finding time to do this blog is amazing in it's self.
The most important thing that I do for myself EVERY DAY, if nothing else, is to take time for prayer and meditation in the morning. I find that if I don't have a chat and a shout out of thanks, my day seems overwhelming.
Maybe tomorrow I'll pray while kickboxing?!
I'm a working Mom so it's not easy to find time to cater to my needs much less my individual interests. Finding time to do this blog is amazing in it's self.
The most important thing that I do for myself EVERY DAY, if nothing else, is to take time for prayer and meditation in the morning. I find that if I don't have a chat and a shout out of thanks, my day seems overwhelming.
Maybe tomorrow I'll pray while kickboxing?!
day 8...
Someone who has made my life hell, or treated me badly... this one is super difficult. To be honest, I don't put much merit in the behaviors of those who don't like me and can't think of anyone.
That's it... that's my answer. It won't bother me if you don't like it.
That's it... that's my answer. It won't bother me if you don't like it.
day 7...
Someone who has made my life worth living for... GOD... you know, the big guy in the sky.
He has blessed me with a man who accepts me for who I am and two wonderful, FUNNY, children.
Growing up I was never the girl that envisioned a wedding and a house full of kids. Honestly I don't like kids that much but my kids are Rock Stars! I always wanted a career and kids didn't seem to fit that... thanks goodness Shawn was (is) patient; knowing that I would change my mind. I couldn't imagine my life now without them!
Just goes to show that God knows me better than I know myself!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
He has blessed me with a man who accepts me for who I am and two wonderful, FUNNY, children.
Growing up I was never the girl that envisioned a wedding and a house full of kids. Honestly I don't like kids that much but my kids are Rock Stars! I always wanted a career and kids didn't seem to fit that... thanks goodness Shawn was (is) patient; knowing that I would change my mind. I couldn't imagine my life now without them!
Just goes to show that God knows me better than I know myself!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
day 6
Something I hope I never have to do... I'm going to take the chicken way out of this question and just NOT answer it.
That's it... the end; I'm choosing to avoid.
That's it... the end; I'm choosing to avoid.
Friday, February 25, 2011
day 5...
Something I hope to do in my life... besides the obvious (roller derby)... I just want to simply enjoy my life and not base my happiness on material things.
I definitely have the habit of planning so much of my life and the lives of my family that I don't stop to smell the roses. Guess I'll just lace my skates and pound out several laps :)
I definitely have the habit of planning so much of my life and the lives of my family that I don't stop to smell the roses. Guess I'll just lace my skates and pound out several laps :)
day 4...
Something I have to forgive someone for... for not living up to my expectations.
Someone that played an important role in my life and my introduction to Christ disappointed me deeply by their behavior. As I am learning more and reading more of my bible, I realize that I want to live my life as it is written. However we are all human, as is the person I am referencing, and will make mistakes.
While I have attempted to forgive and forget, I'm a little weary in my new relationships at church. I'll eventually get there.
Someone that played an important role in my life and my introduction to Christ disappointed me deeply by their behavior. As I am learning more and reading more of my bible, I realize that I want to live my life as it is written. However we are all human, as is the person I am referencing, and will make mistakes.
While I have attempted to forgive and forget, I'm a little weary in my new relationships at church. I'll eventually get there.
day 3...
Something I have to forgive myself for... WHOA, day 3 and already some hard heart stuff to publicly deal with.
I need to forgive myself for expecting perfection at all times and bashing myself when it doesn't happen (and it won't). Rationally I realize that there will be something everyday that goes against the "perfect day" that I have envisioned in my mind but I am still disappointed when it does.
If you know me well, you'll realize I'm still working on this... send up a prayer :)
I need to forgive myself for expecting perfection at all times and bashing myself when it doesn't happen (and it won't). Rationally I realize that there will be something everyday that goes against the "perfect day" that I have envisioned in my mind but I am still disappointed when it does.
If you know me well, you'll realize I'm still working on this... send up a prayer :)
day 2...
Something I love about myself... to be honest, this wasn't hard.
My favorite thing about myself is how I always, ALWAYS can find a positive spin on whatever is going on.
Yesterday's post mentioned that I dislike my feet BUT my feet have taken me many places and allowed me to be active... which is much preferred over wearing flip-flops everyday and being concerned about how long ago my last pedicure was!
Most importantly, I realize that EVERYTHING that happens is a lesson that needs to be learned and I can accept that at the end of the day, it will be ok.
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
My favorite thing about myself is how I always, ALWAYS can find a positive spin on whatever is going on.
Yesterday's post mentioned that I dislike my feet BUT my feet have taken me many places and allowed me to be active... which is much preferred over wearing flip-flops everyday and being concerned about how long ago my last pedicure was!
Most importantly, I realize that EVERYTHING that happens is a lesson that needs to be learned and I can accept that at the end of the day, it will be ok.
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
30 day challenge...
Recently I've had a friend begin a blogging challenge... take 30 pre-determined topics and blog about one a day for 30 days. Sounds like a great way to let people get to know the real me... maybe even learn some things about myself in the process... I'M IN!! The first thing to learn about me is that I am a planner therefore I cannot just blog daily; I actually composed multiple blogs in one day... and post one daily... lol :)
Ahhh... day one... something that I hate about myself... it may be a surprise to many to know that there are LOTS of things that I dislike about myself (I don't like to use the word Hate). The reason it may be a surprise is because I "fake it till I make it". Maybe if I think it, therefore act, that I'm super smart, super cute and super "on" all the time, I might actually be those things.
I dislike that at times I can put on a facade of who I want to be or who I believe I am expected to be. I'm expected to be strong, creative, daring... (list positive adjectives here). Oftentimes I am those things but there are moments that I honestly want to be taken care of and not be the person giving all the care.
OH... I also have ugly feet!
Ahhh... day one... something that I hate about myself... it may be a surprise to many to know that there are LOTS of things that I dislike about myself (I don't like to use the word Hate). The reason it may be a surprise is because I "fake it till I make it". Maybe if I think it, therefore act, that I'm super smart, super cute and super "on" all the time, I might actually be those things.
I dislike that at times I can put on a facade of who I want to be or who I believe I am expected to be. I'm expected to be strong, creative, daring... (list positive adjectives here). Oftentimes I am those things but there are moments that I honestly want to be taken care of and not be the person giving all the care.
OH... I also have ugly feet!
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